Gailene Marsden
Gailene’s art style ranges from impressionist watercolour landscapes through to abstract acrylics and mixed media works. Gailene has been exhibiting and selling her artwork since 2004 and it is currently included in various private collections.
View Gailene’s page or artwork
Jenny Locke-Forbes
Jenny was a student at the Auckland Society of Arts from 1984 to 1988 attending etching, woodcut, portraiture and life classes.
In 1989 Jenny studied at Whitecliffe School of Art and graduated in 1990 with a diploma of Printmaking.
In 1996 over at Artworks on Waiheke Island Jenny won an emerging Artist award presented to her by Don Binney. Jenny went on to receive many more awards for her printmaking skills.
In 2006 she joined the Bartizan Art Group and delved into working with acrylic and mixed media , meeting once a week to paint and share ideas together.
Elaine Law
Elaine Law has always had a strong interest in art and creativity.
She worked as a Display Artist and then as a Graphic Artist and now finds artistic fulfillment painting every day if possible, usually in acrylics.
Elaine’s art has been influenced by a childhood on the Canterbury coast. A love of the sea has inspired numerous seascapes, several of which have been awarded prizes.
She continues to experiment with other mediums, and is currently embracing mixed media, about which she has become quite passionate.
Her work hangs in many homes in New Zealand and also in Europe, America and Hong Kong.
She is a member of the Bartizans, Auckland East Arts and the Palette Artists.
Tony Norrington
Tony is a realist artist whose subjects are diverse and wide ranging; still life, cityscapes and landscapes. But his real passion is for iconic buildings and objects, little hidden gems from European cities on historic NZ places.
As a retired engineering practitioner his drawing skills have enabled him to do paintings that are finely detailed and accurate in perspective and shadowing, they are instantly recognizable to people who have seen the real subject.
Tony exhibits his paintings in galleries and at art shows and has done a number of solo exhibitions. He has won several important awards in the Auckland art scene. He has demonstrated a number of times and he was selected as the feature artist at the Ellerslie Theatrical Society production of “Where There’s a Will”.
Many of Tony’s Works have found their wasy to Australia and the U.K. and he has completed a number of commissions.
Tony who works in oil paint is currently a founding member of the Bartizans Art Group which is an exclusive association of Auckland Artists.
View Tony’s Artwork
Judy O’Brien
Judy O’Brien started painting, after leaving work, when there was more time for personal pursuits.
Judy learnt the foundations, of painting ,initially using acrylics ,but now uses oils. Large, vibrant flowers give the most pleasure, massaging the colours into blended backgrounds.
However, Judy does enjoy experimenting, trying new subjects and finds art nouveau appealing. Judy has sold art displayed in Beijing,Australia and throughout New Zealand.
Jane Heim
Jane Heim has been painting for 25 years. She has undertaken courses and workshops from well-known and successful artists. Jane has won prizes and had commissions for her work. She has been asked to judge shows for the New Zealand Fellowship of Artists.
She paints in oils and watercolours and enjoys painting street scenes.
Jane lives in Auckland and is a member of several art groups.
View Jane’s artwork or page
Juliet Powell
Coming Soon
Nora Grieve
Coming Soon
John Towers
John Towers is an Auckland Artist, passionate about what he does.
John, having come from a very artistic family, spent all his working life as a builder and with a keen interest in design and colour, decided that the next stage in his life would be devoted to art.
John started with painting landscapes, but then discovered “Abstract”, and being blessed with a vivid imagination he found it to be more fun and more risk involved, as it required him to step outside his comfort zone.
In the short time he has been painting, John’s works have been hung in numerous exhibitions including 3 solos and now has many of his paintings hanging in dozens of private homes and offices both in New Zealand, Australia and the UK.
He has studied extensively with such names as Betty Oakes, James Lawrence, Karl Amunsden, Gail Boyle and he now holds regular workshops teaching with wet on wet and textured technique.
Although he has won various awards, he thinks his Royal Easter Show 1st prize in the abstract category in 2007 against a record number of entries ranks alongside having two of his works in the Mount Albert Grammar Collection.
A collection of works can be seen, upon request, at his private gallery in Remuera.
View John’s Website